AAOM History
History of what is now AAOM Inc.
In 1980, the Lord stirred the heart of Max and Beatrice Wiltshire and put a deep desire to go to the Outback of Australia and reach out to the Aboriginal people of Australia. At that time they lived and worked in Ayr, North Queensland. Even though Max had only been a Christian for a short time, the calling was strong and both he and Beatrice sold their homes, business and left their families and slowly began to make their way out west, stopping on the way in places like Katherine and meeting people and visiting Churches. Ps Max and Beatrice went out of a deep conviction, with no support.
It was in 1982 that they arrived into Halls Creek in Western Australia, a small town of around 600 Aboriginal people at the time. The very first meeting was held in the Shire Hall and Ps Norm Armstrong was the guest preacher. Many came, and that night marked the beginning of an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and Revival coming to the Aboriginal people, towns and communities of the Outback. This Holy Ghost fire spread through the Outback and many Aboriginal people were born again and many miracles and healings took place.
For 10 years Ps Max and Beatrice worked tirelessly and many Aboriginal people were reached and discipled for the Lord.
It was around this time that Ps George Forbes made contact and after meeting, Ps Max and Beatrice Wiltshire were invited to join and become a credentialed Minister and Missionary under the covering of The Assemblies of God World Missions. It was at this time the ministry of Australian Aboriginal Outreach was birthed.
At that time Ps Max was recognised as an Apostle and a credible and effective Church Planter and was invited to be the National Coordinator of AAO, and the decision was made for AAO to be the national department of AOG World Missions, in reaching out to the Aboriginal People of Australia, planting cross cultural churches and raising up strong Indigenous Leaders to Pastor those Churches.
Out of seeing a need, the Effective Aboriginal Ministry Seminar (EAM ) began and was held in Halls Creek by Kevin Hovey a well known and highly respected missionologist and former Missionary to PNG teaching on culture and Ps Max teaching on unlocking keys to effectively minister and plant Aboriginal Churches. To date these seminars are still being held.
In 2011, Ps Wayne Alcorn became the newly elected National President of the Assemblies of God Australia ( now ACC ). His vision and desire was to bring the Indigenous people to the forefront and the Indigenous Initiative was implemented, in bringing awareness and helping churches and ministries engage with the Indigenous People of Australia.
At the same time AOG World Missions became ACC International, and the decision was made to restructure and remove AAO as a Missions department.
After consultation with the National Executive of ACC , AAO became AAOM Inc ( Australian Aboriginal Outreach Ministries Incorporated) and a Board was established and a Constitution was agreed and voted upon. AAOM is a recognised ministry with ACC Australia and the Pastors are credentialed through ACC. AAOM Inc chooses to work in harmony and unity with our State Executives , National Executives, Ministries and Churches of the Australian Christian Churches Australia.
Presently AAOM Inc is a not-for-profit ministry that 100% relies on faith based giving. We have more than 40 people, 60 % being Indigenous and their families, all ministering full time to Aboriginal People, in communities , towns and cities through out Australia. Over many years, AAOM has planted 18 churches, and we also have additional churches that work with us.
Our Ministry Mandate is to train and equip Indigenous and Non-Indigenous people to plant culturally relevent Aboriginal churches in cities, towns and communities across Australia. Churches where Indigenous people can be discipled to fulfil the call of God upon their lives.
Many of our Churches facilitate Men's Ministry, Women's Ministry, Youth Ministry, Sunday School, Kids Church, Outreach events, feeding and clothing Programs, Leadership Training, Eldership teams and Church Conventions and much more all which are funded by the Indigenous people in those Churches and our Mission Partners.
AAOM Inc as a Ministry, and individual self governing Churches, are reaching out to many other communities. Our Missionaries have completed AAOM's field orientation and have gone on to successfully minister and plant Indigenous Churches, and are raising strong leaders in the Kingdom of God and their local communities. Also many of our Indigenous Pastors and Leaders have also had Ministry Training in our regional Churches and Centres.
Presently we have churches in WA, NT, QLD and NSW and in October of 2014 Ps Max resigned as the National Director and CEO and Pastor Brett Wiltshire was voted in as the New National Director of AAOM Inc.
Ps Brett Wiltshire established a Cultural Advisory Board, and began to restructure Senior Leadership. Unfortunately Ps Brett resigned in January 2021 to take up a Senior Pastoral role at a church in Geraldton.
From the beginning of 2023, the AAOM Board is now led by Ps. Grant Hobbs from Revival Church, Penshurst in Sydney and our Pastoral Care and field supervision is undertaken by Ps Les Freeman from Kempsey.