AAOM Projects, You can get involved
AAOM Projects are vital in supporting our churches and the minstry. With many of our AAOM churches being in remote and distant parts of Australia with minimum facilities and access to resources, projects are significant in church growth and support.

Church Building
AAOM has the exceptional opportunity to build basic church buildings in closed aboriginal communities where a church plant has been established and a trained couple is ministering.
A church building project is great for those who would love the adventure of traveling to an Aboriginal community and serving in a practical way.

Audio & PA Equipment
Once a couple has been trained, called and appointed to an AAOM church plant, they will be equipped with the essential items of a PA kit for church services, outreaches, etc.
Blessing a new church plant with this equipment is a great project for those churches or individuals who would love to bless generously to see a new church established.

Busses & Repairs
Busses are a necessity and a vital tool in ministry. New AAOM church plants are resourced with a bus for pick-ups of families & the elderly. There is always a need of busses, either second-hand or new. Repairs and upkeep are also a priority.
Blessing a church with a bus, repairs or upkeep is a great way to support a church to be able to transport new Christians, elderly, disabled to church and events.

Building & Maintenance
Are you a handyman who is looking for a practical way to serve? There are many opportunities to financially support but also practically be involved in construction and maintenance of our buildings throughout Australia.
With many remote communities, resourcing materials and workers for repairs and maintenance is often a struggle for those on the field. If you love practically serving, a practical based missions trip to an Aboriginal community may be a blessing to yourself as well as a much-needed church.

Clothing & Bibles
Many Aboriginal communities are remote and isolated without access to stores to buy clothing for their families. With the help of churches and indiviudals across Australia who donate new and second-hand items, many AAOM churches are able to host clothing give-aways to those most in need.
Giving Bibles, clothing, warm items for winter and practical items is an effective way of meeting needs and serving the community at no extra cost to them, but an example of God’s covenant keeping love.

For details on how you can be involved, donate or resource a project please see our Support page