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Missionaries and Local Pastors on the field.


AAOM's Vision is to plant culturally relevant churches in every community and town across Australia and to train up Indigenous and non-Indigenous people to Go!


Our missionaries are working full time on the field in remote towns and communities. Just like others across the world, they have packed up house and home, left family and everything familiar to them, submersing themselves in a foreign culture to obey God's call to a unique mission field. They live by faith, not taking financially from the church, instead serving and giving all.


Would you consider partnering with them in their call to seeing Aboriginal people won and discipled for Christ by financially giving to support their ministry and family?


Ps John & Jenny Davidson 
Carnarvon, WA
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Ps Peter & Natalie

Nhulunbuy, NT
Ps Joe and Penny Archie
Bulla, NT
Ps William and Roselyn Bangu
Bidgyadanga, WA
Ps Les & Sally Freeman
Kempsey  NSW
Ps Patrick and Michelle Nellie
Looma, WA
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Ps Brett & Val Durant
Kununurra, WA
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Ps George Ferguson
Mt. Isa, QLD
Ps Warren & Sheena Luscombe 
Fitzroy Crossing, WA
Ps Lawford and Roslyn Smith
Wangkatjungka, WA
Ps David & Wendy Smith
Cardwell, QLD
Ps Bernard and Cecilia Stretch
Halls Creek, WA
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Jason Downs
Blacktown, NSW

How YOU Can Be Involved...

PRAY - Pray for the missionaries and indigenous pastors ministering in some of the remotest communities and towns in Australia.

GIVE - Pledge monthly/yearly financial support to Missionaries or partner with us in Aboriginal community Church projects.

GO - Experience the excitement of Aboriginal ministry through short-term mission teams or consider 12 months Training in Aboriginal Ministry. This is a great opportunity for people to experience another world in our very own nation.


If you would like to answer the call to be involved, we would love to hear from you

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All images appearing on this site are the exclusive property of AAOM Inc. and are protected under the Australia and International Copyright laws.

The images may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission of AAOM Inc.

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