"Australian Aboriginal Outreach Ministries is a faith based Not-for-profit organisation that is totally funded by private donations, so we appreciate all those that support us financially, practically and in prayer. Without you we would not be able to do what God has called us to do so we want to thank you so much for partnering with us in the harvest".
Missionary Support
If you would like to support an AAOM Missionary, you can choose a specific missionary to support on a monthly or yearly basis, or we can also advise as to where your financial support is most needed if you do not have a preference. Prayer support is also an incredible blessing to those on the field, so if you are not able to give, but would like to encourage and keep in touch with one of our missionaries, please let us know.
Project Support
If you would like to donate, resource or participate in an AAOM Project, please contact us so that we can advise where to send donations, resources or give you more information about upcoming projects that you could be involved in.
Education & Awareness Support
Though AAOM has been established and successfully reaching Aboriginal communities for Christ for over 30 years, many churches and individials are unaware of the work of AAOM and what God is doing in the Aboriginal people of Australia and the many who are on the mission field to see communities impacted and changed by the power of the gospel. (Awareness support also funds promtional materials, resources and profiling at Australian Christian Churches National and/or State Conferences).
Financial Support
Support by Direct Deposit
Australian Aboriginal Outreach
Ministries Inc
BSB: 082-945
Account number: 892443682
Please clearly state in the ‘Reference/Description’ field if you would like your donation to go to a specific need (Misionary Support, Projects, etc.)
Support by Cheque
Australian Aboriginal Outreach
Ministries Inc
Postal address:
PO Box 2237, Tuggeranong DC,
ACT 2901